Rare Head & Neck Surgery successful in BLUE WEEL HOSPITAL
Bhubaneswar : Patient Biswajeet Sahoo 36 year old, a resident of Nuapatana, Cuttack camé to be us with difticulty in opening mouth for last 4 months. He had already bigoted few doctors and took multiple course of medication for same with no improvement & was referred for Dental Consultation. Dentist on finding no dental problem referred to us.

When patient came to us he had a swelling on right cheek with pain, after thorough investigation the MRI scan revealed a tumor of size of tennis ball located below skull in between jaw bone and throat. In view of increasing pain, a decision was made for surgery. Such kind of surgeries are highly challenging as there are critical nerves and arteries present near the tumor which are prime to get injured and can result in devastating complications.

With the help of able team consisting of Head & Neck surgeon Dr. Sukamal Das, Anesthetist Dr. Chitta Ranjan Pandit, Dr. Chandrima Kundu & a dedicated O.T. team along with advanced instruments like fibrotic (endoscopic) set, ligaclip ete in BLUE WHEEL HOSPITAL the tumor was completely removed through the neck without any complication.

Total duration of surgery was around 90 minutes & this surgery was done under BSKY card scheme completely free of cost. Following surgery the patient’s pain has decreased & has already started taking food orally being discharged today.